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Importance of economic environment


Economic environment:

                 Business is an economic activity that has and will continue to influence mankind the most, Almost every citizen of the world obtains his or her breads and butter some sort of business. Either he is himself engaged in business or is earning because somebody else is engaged in business. A deeper  analysis reveals that the basis of international relation is also business

                  Importance of economic environmental should have judicial and administrative to work any government has to perform its to regulate business in the national interest.

  • ·   Capitalist court free enterprise economy
  • ·   Socialist or central planned economy
  • ·   Mixed economy

Capitalist economy:

     The capitalist or free enterprise economic is the oldest form of economy. Early economic supported the policy of ‘Laissez fair’ meaning leave free, They advocated minimum government intervention in the economic activity Activities.

Socialist economy:

   In the socialist or centrally planned economics all the productive resources are owned and controlled by the government in the overall interest of the society. A central planning authority takes the decisions.

Mixed economic:

   A mixed economy combines the best features of capitalism and socialism. Thus mixed economic has some elements of both free enterprises or capitalist economy as well as a government controlled socialist economy. The public and Private sector’s co-exist in mixed economy

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