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Solar Eclipse

      Solar Eclipse

      The Solar Eclipse also known as Surya Grahan 2022 is going to take place on 25th October 2022 around 4:20 PM. It will be visible across Russia, Europe, Siberia, South Africa, South Asia, West Asia and Africa.

      This is considered as one of the auspicious and pure occasion according to Holly Book across the world. If you are also living in any of the regions mentioned above then you will be able to see the Solar Eclipse October 2022 from your outdoors. This occasion is considered as auspicious by many pandits in Hindu region and there and they prefer people to wish to God so that thier wishes  get accepted as earliest the Surya grahan on October 2022 will begin at 4:20 PM in India and end 6:PM.

 let's learn about Solar Eclipse:

        Solar Eclipse when the moon passes between Earth and the sun there by obscuring Earth's view of the sun totally or partially. Such an alignment coincides with a new moon indicating the moon is causes to the plane of the  Earth's orbit. In a total eclipse the disk of sun is totally fully obscured by the moon totally filled it in back oh yeah

The Solar eclipse can only happen during a new moon. The moons orbit is titled 5 degrees to worth orbit around the sun.

 Types of solar eclipse:

   There are three kinds of solar eclipse Total Solar Eclipse, Partial Solar Eclipse, Annular Solar Eclipse.

How to Watch Solar Eclipse:

     It’s always existing to watch the clear sky and its even more existing to view a celestial activity. Some Phenomena that take place in the universe are not advisable to watch with Neked eyes. The solar eclipse is one such phenomenon which causes damage to the retina when directly.

Following are how the Solar Eclipse can be viewed in a safe way:

  •  Use specially made solar filters, such as hand held solar viewers or solar glasses to see this spectacular process.
  •  Before using the filter ensure it is not damaged or scratched
  •  Never use binoculars or telescope to views.
  •  Do not use a camera or any other optical device to view the solar eclipse.
  •  A big no for sunglasses solar-viewing glasses.

Pregnant women during solar eclipse:

     According to traditional beliefs, pregnancy women should stay indoors and avoid going outside when the Eclipse is in play.

   Avoid any contact with the harmful rays of sun or it could lead to abnormalities in the child. While these beliefs & rituals have no scientific backing, these have been followed since time immemorial, which is  why there have taken the shape of norms in certain region and communities.


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