Organizational behavior:
Organization a social entities consisting of physical financial and human resources. Among these resources, human resources are precious when they behavior in unique. As such an understanding of their interaction in organization is necessary, for the purpose of integrating human efforts towards realization of goals. Organizational behavior is expressed field of knowledge developed to understand human behavior. Organization behavior is rational thinking not an emotional feeling about people. It is an action oriented and goal oriented.
Meaning of definition of organizational behavior:
Organizational behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how people as individuals and group act within an organization. It strives to identify ways in which people can act more effectively. It is a human tool for human benefits. Its goals are to make managers more effective at describing understanding predicting and controlling human behavior. The major goal of organization behavior are explain and predict human behavior in organization. Following definitions help understand the nature and scope of organization behavior.
Factors influenza on organization behavior:
1. Human being:
Organizations are human systems. Human feelings closely interact in the pursuit of goals. Human beings are core, but unique resources. Attaining co-ordination among individual's is needed in order to put forward their efforts in the achievement of goals. It requires understanding of behavior of people in organization .The following are certain unique characteristic of people in organizations
Human beings have certain common attributes. inspite of common agreement every person is unique. Essentially Individuals are common by their zets for social relations common family structure, intelligence, self-reflexiveness, linguistic abilities and ability to work for earning livelihood. howeverthe Law of Individual Differences states the every individual is different from the other, Individuals are different in their motivational propensities interaction with others ,possession of tolerance and stress, etc.
Individuals behaviour is caused by the importance they attach to the cues, which fulfill their needs.. Thus, need fulfillment is a motivator, so always there is a cause of human behavior.
Scientific management studied only skills and capacity to conclude that persons are productive by the way they are motivated by monetary rewards. But physical condition social life, organsational interactions vis-a-vis individual form into a whole system that determines individual, behavior.
People in organizations are not simple mechanical beings. They have expectations concomitant to abilities. Their behavioural disposition's are guided by continuous effort match them. peoples actions are evaluated by the Culture, Philosophy value and ethics.
2. Structure :
Organizations are social system. so people in organisations have matual interest. But organisational goals are super-ordinate goals and congruence of individual goals facilitates their achievement.Goal realization requires structured interaction. it is provided by clear defination of authority, responsibility and accountability, division of labour, span of control and line and staff relations. Each of these aspect's determine communication, motivation and commitment, which regulates individual behavior.
3. Technology:
Technology imparts the physical and economic conditions within which people work. In recent years technology have revolutionized the pattern of organisational relationships. Mechanical- device's computers and robots are used to replace human energy. The continuous Improvement in the technology is a real challenge, to organisations as adoption of changed technology has human resistence. Technology has not only changed organisation's design and structures is also severely infuenced individuals behaviour .So understanding behaviour in organisation needs consideration of technology used by the organisation.
4. Environment:
All the factors influencing human behavior discussed above are not independent. They are dependent on each other. They are also dependent on environment of the organisation. All organizations operate within an internal and external environment. A single organisation cannot exist alone. It is a part of a large system that contains many other elements, such as government, the family and other organizations. All this mutually, influence. each other in a complex system the becomes the life-style of the people. Individually organizations ,such as a factory, or a school, cannot escape being influenced by the external environment. It influences the attitudes of the people ,affects working conditions and provides competition for resources and power. It must be considered in the study of human behavior in Organizations. Thus, individual behavior is a function of environmental influence also.